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  • Writer's pictureEmily Kienzler, Katie Le


Updated: Jun 16, 2019

He goes to Michigan State. We tell him we both go to Ohio State, and share a laugh without actually speaking about the school's rivalry. He tells me that he grew up his whole life in Hawaii and I ask how he likes Michigan. He laughs again and simply says, "it's cold." Judging from all the potholes I saw on a recent visit to Michigan, I'd have to agree. Even in May the statement holds true. Michigan can be very, very cold. He asks if Ohio is similar, telling us he has never been himself. "The same," I say, "but maybe with a little less snow." We asked him why he decided to go to Michigan for college. His answer was once again very simple. "I wanted to be in the big ten," he says. He tells us he thought about Ohio State too when he was applying. When we mention that we're undergrads, he tells us he's actually going to law school right now. He's back in Hawaii for the summer. We ask if he wants to come back to Hawaii after college, and he says "definitely, it's way to cold up there." Being raised in Ohio, and can't help but wonder to myself if he makes a good point.

"What is one piece of advice that you would give?" we ask him. He says "live in the moment." He says this is something that he struggles with daily. Especially being in law school, he is constantly thinking about the next case, the next exam, the bar, where he will eventually move to, and if he will move back. He wonders if he's making a good enough impression on professors. Is he networking enough? This is fascinating to hear, because I think that these are the thoughts that go through the minds of any college students that care a lot about their futures. In a world full of threats about the job market and the value of hard work, I too find it difficult to live in the moment. We both can't help but wonder if there's something better we could be doing. Studying, networking...there must be something. Maybe that's not the answer, however, maybe we should just try living in the moment. He says he works at the Supreme Court in Hawaii. So, as you might imagine, a high-stress job.

He likes it because he gets to read a lot of cases.

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